If you're reading this, congratulations!
You, or someone you may know, will have the chance to be entered into our end-of-the-year giveaway!
We want to give small business owners the opportunity to further their knowledge related to their businesses, as well as give them the opportunity to promote their businesses and take it to the next level!
In order to be entered into our giveaway, you must follow the steps below:
You must first first be following our business page. If you are not, please make sure to like or follow us on Facebook or Instagram, or maybe both 😊 *the links to our business pages can be found at the footer of each webpage!
You must like and share the giveaway post that can found on our SimpliciT's Designs business pages.
After completing all the steps, comment DONE on either the blog post or social media post and tag three new or current business owners who may be interested. There are only three tags per comment, and each comment can count towards one entry.
The deadline to enter into the giveaway will be December 31, 2022. After the deadline, the winners will be entered and the names will be selected at random by the spinning wheel.